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Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

Staying ahead is key to shaping the future for which Artificial Intelligence is a revolutionary force, even more transformative than electricity. To harness this potential, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the University of Sarajevo (ETF) has developed a cutting-edge curriculum.
Our goal is to empower young professionals to lead this transformative journey.
The Bachelor’s program in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence at ETF provides an ideal foundation for those eager to actively contribute to the future of technology.
Embark on a dynamic learning experience where you take control of how machines learn and develop algorithms that power intelligent decision-making!

Pioneering AI Education

ETF of the University of Sarajevo is the first university in Western Balkan to offer an academic degree in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. Benefit from our curriculum crafted to meet evolving demands for Data Science and AI landscape.

Truly International

Join a diverse and vibrant community of our international program delivered entirely in English. Collaborate with peers from around the world and join the global network.

Learn from Experts

Leading experts and researchers of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, will guide you committedly through intricacies of artificial intelligence, machine learning, algorithms, and intelligent decision-making.

Hands-On Learning

Gain practical knowledge through hands-on projects, industry collaborations, and state-of-the-art labs at the ETF.

Global AI

Immerse yourself in a city that will soon be recognized as a hot-spot for AI research. ETF in Sarajevo provides an inspiring environment where innovation and technology thrive.

Future Creators, Welcome

At the ETF, we don’t just explore the future, we actively create it! Our program is designed for those who aspire to be engineers of change, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence.

Faculty of Electrical Engineering (ETF) at the University of Sarajevo ETF is the oldest and largest Electrical Engineering Faculty in Bosnia and Herzegovina with totals of:

bachelor's degree students
master's degree students
graduated first cycle students
graduated second cycle students
students in total
This web platform is supported by the Economic Governance for Growth (EGG2) project, which is financed by the Government of the Kingdom of Norway and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The views and opinions expresses of this platform do not necessarily reflect reflect the views or positions of the Kingdom of Norway nor UNDP in BiH.
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Sarajevo,
Zmaja od Bosne bb, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina